Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


Last week, the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Its4Health in cooperation with the Scientific Research Institute Verlab, organized an event called "HealthTech Pulse: In the rhythm of digital transformation". At this meeting, DIH Its4Health presented to the audience its activities achieved so far and plans for the future.

The renowned expert in digital transformation, Aleksandar Mastilović, held an informative lecture, emphasizing key aspects of digital transformation. He particularly emphasized the importance of focusing on the health system, asking questions that stimulate thinking about the future, such as the possibility of choosing a doctor and appointment via a mobile application, electronic prescriptions with a QR code for doctors, and the elimination of paperwork and waiting in hospital lines.

The company Moja Klinika presented an innovative solution in the context of digitization in healthcare, emphasizing the potential of improving the patient experience. Verlab Institute presented its work in 2023 with a special focus in the field of healthcare and digitalization, highlighting achievements and planned projects.

As part of the event, numerous advantages of digitization in all sectors were emphasized, with a special focus on healthcare. Process optimization, improved data monitoring and improvement of healthcare quality were singled out as key elements of system improvement. This event provided a deep insight into the current achievements and future directions of development of digital transformation in the healthcare sector.

We continue our dedicated work on improving the pace of digital transformation in the healthcare sector

Prošle sedmice, Digitalni Inovacijski Hub (DIH) Its4Health u saradnji s Naučnoistraživačkim Institutom Verlab, organizovao je događaj pod nazivom "HealthTech Pulse: U ritmu digitalne transformacije". Na ovom skupu, DIH Its4Health je predstavio publici svoje dosadašnje ostvarene aktivnosti i planove za budućnost.

Renomirani stručnjak za digitalnu transformaciju, Aleksandar Mastilović, održao je informativno predavanje, stavljajući naglasak na ključne aspekte digitalne transformacije. Posebno je istaknuo značaj fokusa na zdravstvenom sistemu, postavljajući pitanja koja potiču razmišljanje o budućnosti, poput mogućnosti odabira liječnika i termina posjeta putem mobilne aplikacije, elektronskih recepata s QR kodom za liječnike, te eliminacije papirologije i čekanja u redovima  bolnica.

Kompanija Moja Klinika je predstavila inovativno rješenje u kontekstu digitalizacije u zdravstvu, ističući potencijal unapređenja iskustva pacijenata. 

Verlab Institut je predstavio svoj rad u 2023. godini s posebnim fokusom u području zdravstva i digitalizacije, istaknuvši postignuća i planirane projekte.

U sklopu događaja naglašene su brojne prednosti digitalizacije u svim sektorima, s posebnim osvrtom na zdravstvo. Optimizacija procesa, poboljšano praćenje podataka i unaprjeđenje kvalitete zdravstvene skrbi izdvojeni su kao ključni elementi poboljšanja sistema. Ovaj događaj pružio je dubok uvid u trenutna postignuća i buduće smjerove razvoja digitalne transformacije u zdravstvenom sektoru.

Nastavljamo s predanim radom na unapređenju tempa digitalne transformacije u sektoru zdravstva.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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