Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


Our senior expert associate, Lemana Spahić, recently represented our organization at a collaborative workshop and networking meeting held in Milan from the 20th to the 22nd of November. Lemana, serving as an early stage researcher for the Marie Curie Project DECODE, played a pivotal role in contributing to the collective efforts aimed at advancing patient care, particularly in the context of peripheral artery disease.

The event took place at the prestigious Politechnico di Milano, where Lemana, alongside her fellow Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), engaged in productive discussions and collaborative endeavors. The primary focus of their joint efforts was to explore innovative approaches to enhance the understanding and treatment of peripheral artery disease, a condition with significant implications for patient health.

"During the workshop in Milan, I had the privilege to present my current research, focusing on the multiscale modeling of atherosclerotic plaque development and progression in peripheral arteries. This work is a vital component of the ongoing initiatives within the Marie Curie Project DECODE. Our collective goal is to decode the complexities of various medical conditions, with the ultimate aim of enhancing patient outcomes. I am honored to contribute to this meaningful project and look forward to the positive impact it can have on advancing our understanding and treatment of peripheral artery disease." - said Lemana. 

Lemana's presentation garnered attention and sparked insightful discussions among her peers and experts in the field. The collaborative atmosphere fostered at the workshop allowed for the exchange of ideas and experiences, paving the way for future breakthroughs in the realm of peripheral artery disease research.

As we continue to champion advancements in healthcare, we extend our congratulations to Lemana Spahić for her valuable contributions and representation at this significant event. The commitment of our team members to cutting-edge research further solidifies our dedication to making a meaningful impact on patient care and medical knowledge. Stay tuned for more updates on our endeavors to decode the mysteries of medical science.

Naša viša stručna saradnica, Lemana Spahić, nedavno je predstavljala našu organizaciju na zajedničkoj radionici i umrežavanju održanoj u Milanu od 20. do 22. novembra. Lemana je kao istraživač u ranoj fazi za Marie Curie Project DECODE, odigrala  ključnu ulogu u doprinosu kolektivnim naporima usmjerenim na unapređenje njege pacijenata, posebno u kontekstu bolesti perifernih arterija.

Događaj se održao u prestižnom Politechnico di Milano, gdje je Lemana, zajedno sa svojim kolegama istraživačima u ranoj fazi (ESR), učestvovala u produktivnim diskusijama i zajedničkim nastojanjima. Primarni fokus njihovih zajedničkih napora bio je istraživanje inovativnih pristupa za poboljšanje razumijevanja i liječenja bolesti perifernih arterija, stanja sa značajnim implikacijama na zdravlje pacijenata.

„Tokom radionice u Milanu, imala sam privilegiju da predstavim svoje trenutno istraživanje, fokusirajući se na višerazmerno modeliranje razvoja i progresije aterosklerotskog plaka u perifernim arterijama. Ovaj rad je vitalna komponenta tekućih inicijativa u okviru projekta Marie Curie DECODE. Zajednički cilj je dekodirati složenost različitih medicinskih stanja, s krajnjim ciljem poboljšanja ishoda pacijenata. Čast mi je što mogu doprinijeti ovom značajnom projektu i radujem se pozitivnom utjecaju koji može imati na unapređenje našeg razumijevanja i liječenja bolesti perifernih arterija ." - rekao je Lemana.

Lemanino izlaganje privuklo je pažnju i izazvalo pronicljive diskusije među njenim kolegama i stručnjacima u ovoj oblasti. Atmosfera saradnje stvorena na radionici omogućila je razmjenu ideja i iskustava, otvarajući put za buduća otkrića u oblasti istraživanja bolesti perifernih arterija.

Kako nastavljamo da zagovaramo napredak u zdravstvu, čestitamo Lemani Spahić na njenom vrijednom doprinosu i predstavljanju na ovom značajnom događaju. Posvećenost članova našeg tima najsavremenijim istraživanjima dodatno učvršćuje našu posvećenost da značajno utičemo na brigu o pacijentima i medicinsko znanje. Pratite nas za još ažuriranja o našim nastojanjima da dekodiramo misterije medicinske nauke.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

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