Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


October 21st is celebrated as World Clinical Engineering Day. To mark this occasion, IFMBE CED organized an enlightening series of webinars, with the first one shining a spotlight on the "Women in Clinical Engineering" initiative, aptly named "Unveiling Success and Challenges: Women's Voices in Clinical Engineering."

Our colleague Adna Softić, representing Bosnia and Herzegovina, shared her experience alongside distinguished panelists from around the world, including Peck Ha Tan (Singapore), Tasnuba Tabassum Moureen (Bangladesh), and Mary Vidal (Peru).

We're immensely proud of Verlab Institute's dedication to this field and commitment to empowering women in clinical engineering. Together, we celebrate the remarkable voices shaping the future of healthcare technology.

21. oktobar se slavi kao Svjetski dan kliničkog inženjeringa. Povodom ovog događaja, IFMBE CED je organizirao niz edukativnih webinara, pri čemu je prvi prikazao inicijativu "Žene u kliničkom inženjeringu", prikladno nazvan "Otkrivanje uspjeha i izazova: Glasovi žena u kliničkom inženjeringu."

Naša kolegica Adna Softić, koja predstavlja Bosnu i Hercegovinu, podijelila je svoje iskustvo zajedno s istaknutim panelistima iz cijelog svijeta, uključujući Peck Ha Tana (Singapur), Tasnuba Tabassum Moureen (Bangladeš) i Mary Vidal (Peru).

Izuzetno smo ponosni na posvećenost Verlab Instituta ovom polju i predanost osnaživanju žena u kliničkom inženjeringu. Zajedno slavimo izvanredne glasove koji oblikuju budućnost tehnologije zdravstva.World Clinical Engineering Day!


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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