Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


The Chairman of the City Council of Sarajevo, Jasmin Ademović, together with the Mayor Benjamin Karić, hosted an important meeting dedicated to garnering support for the 'Tech4Green' project, aimed at establishing a scientific research infrastructure at Vidikovac in Sarajevo.

The meeting was attended by Elvedin Okerić, Chairman of the Sarajevo Canton Assembly; Stefano Ellero, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina; Lejla Guberta Pokvić, Director of Verlab Institute; Almir Badnjević, Director of Verlab; and Ensar Mulaosmanović, Director of the Public Institution Center for Advanced Technologies Sarajevo.

The primary objective of the meeting was to gather relevant stakeholders who could contribute to the development of the idea of establishing a scientific research center at Vidikovac, located on Trebević mountain.

The participants were introduced to the concept of establishing a scientific research center that emerged from discussions between the City of Sarajevo and the 'Verlab Research Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices, and Artificial Intelligence.' Verlab Institute is a platform that enables collaboration among interested parties to create favorable conditions for the rapid transformation of ideas into products, processes, and services, while addressing specific challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the wider region.

As part of the priorities of Sarajevo Smart City, aligned with the City's development strategy focused on becoming a 'City of the Future and Treasure Trove of the Past,' one of the key measures is the development of scientific research activities. In this context, collaboration with other entities, with a particular emphasis on the University of Sarajevo, is crucial.

Therefore, the fundamental goal of establishing a scientific research center is to collect and analyze data relevant to achieving various objectives in all areas of interest to the community, as well as those of significance to other stakeholders, primarily in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and beyond. The services of the center will be open to all parties showing interest in utilizing them.

The participants unanimously agreed that the implementation of this project would create the necessary conditions for establishing modern scientific research and technical infrastructure. This infrastructure will include a supercomputer and other advanced technological tools, providing the educational, scientific, and business communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with an opportunity for accelerated development in line with European strategic goals and Bosnia and Herzegovina's efforts to achieve sustainable and comprehensive progress.

Recognizing the significance of this project and the great opportunities it presents for the City of Sarajevo, the meeting participants were invited to actively participate in the implementation of the 'Tech4Green' project.

The attendees expressed unanimous support for this initiative and their commitment to actively engage in the project's realization. They acknowledged that the project would benefit the education, scientific, and research sectors, public institutions, and businesses throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Furthermore, they emphasized the need to establish the necessary conditions to achieve the project's goals within a reasonable timeframe.

Representatives of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina expressed readiness to enable the implementation of this project through the 'Digital Europe' program as soon as Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a participant in the program. There is an expectation that Bosnia and Herzegovina will join this program as soon as possible.

All participants of the meeting were determined to allocate a portion of the funds generated by the activities of the scientific research center 'Tech4Green' towards the conservation of the protected area of Trebević. Taking this into account, they agreed to inform the City Council about this proposal and recommend the Sarajevo Canton to conduct a review of the Management Plan for the protected landscape of Trebević. Through this revision, the original purpose of the building, which was previously used for catering purposes at the Viewpoint, would be changed to a facility capable of accommodating a scientific research institution.

During the discussions, the participants considered possibilities for further project development and collaboration with the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the topic of artificial intelligence research. The exceptional importance of support from the EU through relevant mechanisms, particularly the 'Digital Europe' program, was emphasized and underscored.


Predsjedavajući Gradskog vijeća Grada Sarajeva Jasmin Ademović, zajedno sa gradonačelnikom Benjaminom Karićem, bili su domaćini izuzetno značajnog sastanka posvećenog stvaranju podrške projektu „Tech4Green“, koji ima za cilj uspostavu naučno-istraživačke infrastrukture na Vidikovcu u Sarajevu.

Sastanku su prisustvovali: Elvedin Okerić, predsjedavajući Skupštine Kantona Sarajevo; Stefano Ellero, šef Odjela za saradnju u Delegaciji EU u Bosni i Hercegovini; Lejla Guberta Pokvić, direktorica Verlab Instituta; Almir Badnjević, direktor Verlaba; i Ensar Mulaosmanović, direktor JU Centar za napredne tehnologije Sarajevo.

Primarni cilj sastanka bio je okupiti relevantne subjekte koji bi mogli doprinijeti razvoju ideje o osnivanju naučno-istraživačkog centra na Vidikovcu, koji se nalazi na Trebeviću.

Prisutni su se upoznali sa konceptom osnivanja naučno-istraživačkog centra koji je proizašao iz razgovora između Grada Sarajeva i „Naučno-istraživačkog instituta Verlab za biomedicinski inžinjering, medicinske uređaje i umjetnu inteligenciju“. Verlab institut je platforma koja omogućava saradnju između zainteresiovanih subjekata za stvaranje povoljnih uslova za brzu transformaciju ideja u proizvode, procese i usluge, a pritom se bavi specifičnim izazovima u Bosni i Hercegovini i široj regiji.

U sklopu prioriteta Sarajeva Smart City, koji je usklađen sa Strategijom razvoja grada, usmjerenom na to da postanemo „Grad budućnosti i riznica prošlosti“, jedna od ključnih mjera je razvoj naučno-istraživačke djelatnosti. U tom kontekstu ključna je saradnja sa drugim subjektima, s posebnim naglaskom na Univerzitet u Sarajevu.

Stoga je temeljni cilj osnivanja naučno-istraživačkog centra prikupljanje i analiza podataka bitnih za postizanje različitih ciljeva u svim sferama od interesa za društvenu zajednicu, kao i onih od značaja za druge subjekte, prvenstveno u Sarajevu, Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i šire. Usluge centra bit će otvorene za sve strane koje pokažu interes za njihovim korištenjem.

Sudionici su se jednoglasno složili da bi se realizacijom ovog projekta stvorili potrebni preduslovi za uspostavu moderne naučno-istraživačke i tehničke infrastrukture. Ova infrastruktura će sadržavati superračunar i druge napredne tehnološke alate, čime će obrazovna, naučna i poslovna zajednica u Bosni i Hercegovini dobiti priliku za ubrzani razvoj, u skladu sa evropskim strateškim ciljevima i nastojanjima Bosne i Hercegovine da postigne održiv i sveobuhvatan napredak.

Prepoznavanjem značaja ovog projekta i velikih mogućnosti koje on predstavlja za Grad Sarajevo, sudionicima sastanka je upućen poziv za aktivno sudjelovanje u realizaciji projekta "Tech4Green".

Okupljeni su iskazali jednoglasnu podršku ovoj inicijativi i iskazali svoju opredijeljenost za aktivno uključivanje u realizaciju projekta. Priznali su da će projekt biti od koristi obrazovnim, naučnim i istraživačkim sektorima, javnim institucijama i privrednim društvima u cijeloj Bosni i Hercegovini. Nadalje, istaknuli su potrebu uspostavljanja potrebnih uslova za postizanje ciljeva projekta u razumnom vremenskom roku.

Predstavnici Delegacije EU u Bosni i Hercegovini iskazali su spremnost da kroz program „Digitalna Evropa“ omoguće realizaciju ovog projekta čim Bosna i Hercegovina postane sudionica programa. Izraženo je očekivanje da će Bosna i Hercegovina u što kraćem roku pristupiti ovom programu.

Svi sudionici sastanka bili su odlučni da se dio sredstava ostvarenih aktivnostima naučno-istraživačkog centra „Tech4Green“ usmjeri u očuvanje zaštićenog područja Trebevića. Uvažavajući to, dogovorili su se da će o ovom prijedlogu upoznati Gradsko vijeće i preporučiti Kantonu Sarajevo da izvrši reviziju Plana upravljanja zaštićenim pejzažom Trebević. Ovom revizijom želi se izmijeniti izvorna namjena zgrade, dotadašnje ugostiteljske namjene na Vidikovcu, u objekt sposoban za smještaj naučno-istraživačke ustanove.

Tokom rasprava sudionici su razmotrili mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja projekata i saradnje sa Federacijom Bosne i Hercegovine na temu istraživanja umjetne inteligencije. Istaknuta je i podvučena iznimna važnost podrške EU-a kroz relevantne mehanizme, naročito program „Digitalna Evropa“.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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