Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


Verlab Academy is a training initiative developed to support the academic, business, non-governmental and governmental sectors with the aim of understanding the requirements imposed by the digital and green transformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Verlab Institute provides a range of training and development opportunities for researchers, professionals, as well as for various organizations in the area of healthcare sector, industry and government.

Seminar: "Requirements for the quality and competence of medical laboratories BAS EN ISO/IEC 15189:2018" will be held on December 21, 2022. in the premises of the Olympic Committee, at the address Alipašina bb, starting at 09:00.  

BAS EN ISO/IEC 15189:2018  is a well-known international standard for developing quality management of medical laboratories. ISO 15189 certification helps the medical laboratories in self-assessing their competency, process controlling, examinations, test results to meet the needs of all patients and the clinical personnel. Also, the standard enables the laboratories to meet technical competence requirements and as well as management requirements in an effective manner. The ISO 15189 certification is applicable to any medical or clinical laboratories that provide services to patients or any public medical services that verify and validate medical samples.

Registration fee for seminar participants is 250 KM.

  • PAYER: Name and surname with complete address
  • PURPOSE OF PAYMENT: Seminar 15189
  • RECIPIENT: Verlab Scientific Research Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices and Artificial Intelligence
  • AMOUNT: 250 KM
  • RECEIVER'S ACCOUNT: 101-104-00778788-61, PBS Banka Sarajevo

Registration for participation in the seminar is done by filling out the registration form available on the website or via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applications are open until December 17, 2022.

Verlab akademija je inicijativa za obuku razvijena za podršku akademskog, privrednog, nevladinog i vladinog sektora sa ciljem razumijevanja zahtjeva koje nameću digitalna i zelena transformacija u Bosni i Hercegovini

Verlab Institut pruža niz mogućnosti za obuku i razvoj za istraživače, stručnjake, kao i za razne organizacije u području zdravstvenog sektora, industrije i vlade.

Seminar: “Zahtjevi za kvalitet i kompetentnost medicinskih laboratorija BAS EN ISO/IEC 15189:2018” će se održati 21.12.2022. u prostorijama Olimpijskog komiteta, na adresi Alipašina bb, sa početkom u 09:00h. 

BAS EN ISO/IEC 15189:2018 je poznata međunarodni standard za razvoj upravljanja kvalitetom medicinskih laboratorija. Certifikat ISO 15189 pomaže medicinskim laboratorijima u samoprocjeni njihove kompetentnosti, kontroli procesa, pregledima, rezultatima ispitivanja kako bi zadovoljili potrebe svih pacijenata i kliničkog osoblja. Također, standard omogućuje laboratorijima da na učinkovit način ispune zahtjeve tehničke kompetencije, kao i zahtjeve upravljanja. Certifikat ISO 15189 primjenjiv je na sve medicinske ili kliničke laboratorije koji pružaju usluge pacijentima ili bilo koje javne medicinske službe koje provjeravaju i potvrđuju medicinske uzorke.

Kotizacija za učesnike seminara iznosi 250KM. 

  • UPLATILAC: Ime i prezime sa potpunom adresom
  • SVRHA UPLATE: Seminar 15189
  • PRIMALAC: Naučnoistraživački institut Verlab za biomedicinski inžinjering, medicinske uređaje i vještačku inteligenciju
  • IZNOS: 250 KM
  • RAČUN PRIMAOCA: 101-104-00778788-61, PBS Banka Sarajevo

Prijava učešća na seminaru se vrši popunjavanjem prijavnog obrasca dostupnog na web stranici ili putem email-a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Prijave su otvorene do 17.12.2022.godine. 


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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