Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo

The European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea) is an international academic organization, transnational, and interdisciplinary, including over 2.000 renowned experts and artists concerning contemporary Europe and the world. Among its members are 35 Noble Prize winners, as well as Pope Benedict XVI. The Academy is comprised of leading scientists, artists and policy makers devoted to innovative research, interdisciplinary and transnational cooperation as well as exchange and spread of knowledge. The members of the Academy are chosen on the basis of their remarkable success in science, art and management. 

After receiving an announcement that Prof. Dr. Badnjević was chosen as an ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in the field of Technical sciences, due to his scientific and expert contribution to the world, in December of 2021, on the 1st of July of 2022,  our Senior Research Associate, Prof. Dr. Almir Badnjević attended the welcoming ceremony for newly ellected members of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is our honor to have an expert as Prof. Dr. Badnjević as a part of our team. 

Evropska akademija nauka i umjetnosti (Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea) je međunarodna akademska organizacija, transnacionalna, interdisciplinarna, u koju je uključeno oko 2.000 vrhunskih naučnika i umjetnika koji se bave pitanjima s kojima se suočava savremena Evropa i svijet. Među njenim članovima nalazi se i 35 Nobelovaca kao i papa Benedict XVI. Akademiju čine vodeći naučnici, umjetnici i donosioci odluka, koji su posvećeni inovativnom istraživanju, interdisciplinarnoj i transnacionalnoj saradnji, kao i razmjeni i širenju znanja. Članovi Akademije biraju se zbog svojih izuzetnih dostignuća u nauci, umjetnosti i upravljanju.

Nakon što je u decembru 2021. godine na osnovu naučnog i stručnog doprinosa u svijetu, Prof. Dr. Badnjević primio je obavijest da je izabran za redovnog člana Evropske akademije nauka i umjetnosti u Salzburgu u disciplini Tehničke nauke, 01.07.2023. je naš Viši naučni saradnik, Prof. Dr. Almir Badnjević prisustvovao ceremoniji dobrodošlice za novoizabrane članove Europske Akademije Nauka i Umjetnosti. Čast nam je imati eksperta poput Prof. Dr. Badnjevića u našem timu. 



Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

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